The Seasons Construction Progress

December 2019

180 Reynolds Road, Doncaster East


Construction of your new home is nearing completion, with the last fixtures and fittings being installed and final painting and defecting underway across all four buildings.
The builders are now aiming to complete all works by the end of February, with settlement occurring shortly thereafter.

Building 1

  • The canopy steel works, roofing and the garage door entrance are complete
  • Builder’s defecting and the final paint and clean are complete up to level 3
  • All essential services have been commissioned
  • 75% of the driveway and road works have been completed

Building 2 & 3

  • Completed works in these buildings include the steel works and curtain walls on all levels in both buildings
  • In building 2 the planter boxes, flooring installation and carpeting to the corridors is complete
  • Apartments up to and including level 2 in building 2 have been completed, cleaned and locked ready for commencement of bank valuations in the new year
  • Carpet installation has commenced on building 3

Building 4

  • The lift installation is complete, as is joinery installation to level 3, the balustrade framing work and the sealer paint coat and second ceiling coats on all levels
  • Service fit-offs is currently occurring on level 2
  • Stone is currently being installed to level 1 and the timber floors have been installed across the ground floor

External works

  • Irrigation to the south of building 1 is complete and landscaping and planting has commenced
  • The exposed aggregate pathway and footpaths are completed around buildings 1, 2 & 3

We strongly encourage you to start planning for settlement now.  Should you require a mortgage to complete the purchase of your apartment, we recommend you aim to lodge your finance application in early 2020, with settlement anticipated to occur in March 2020.

April 2019

180 Reynolds Road, Doncaster East


Construction is underway and completion is estimated for early next year (2020).

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