January 2020
600 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
Levels 2-6 nearing completion.
Update on status of Plan of Subdivision and Occupancy Permits.
We are pleased to advise that all technicalities have now been resolved and we are expecting approval of the first stage of the plan of subdivision to issue by the City of Manningham this week. This includes all apartments and offices up to and including Level 6.
As soon as we receive the approval we will lodge the plan of subdivision with Land Victoria so that it can receive the final approval and titles will then issue within 3 weeks. The Occupancy Permits for the first stage are also expected to issue by the end of January.
Construction of the rest of the building is progressing well and workers have now returned back from holidays although no work has taken place yesterday and today due to hazardous and smoky conditions.
We are now expecting SOME apartments to be ready for valuation inspections in the first week of February.
You will receive a notification when valuation inspections are opened up for your apartment.
We will also be contacting purchasers and their legal representatives on an individual basis to arrange their purchasers inspections prior to settlement.

November 2019
600 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
External works nearing completion and overall construction well advanced.
The building now looks as good as if not better that the artists impression that was depicted on your brochures. It is looking great and is probably the most striking and handsome building on the hill. A True Landmark as they say. You can compare for yourselves!
The building is continuing to progress at a fast pace and is ahead of program. As can be seen from the picture taken today balustrades up to level 9 have been completed and only level 10 and the penthouse level remains which will be completed in the next week or so. Part of our design element on the top has gone in as the gold windows – the gold fins will follow as soon as the $1,000 per drum gold paint has been applied to the slab edge!
Every level is at some stage of completion as trades move up through the building. All levels up to level 6 have been fitted out in full and are undergoing final commissioning and installation of appliances etc. and will be complete once cleaned. Tilers are working at levels 7 and 8 and plasterers are working at level 10. Early internal works have also commenced at the penthouses levels 11 and 12.
We stress that all purchasers up to and including Level 6 will have their apartments ready for valuation inspection at the end of this month and for a final inspection sometime in December.
It is therefore important that all applications for finance be now made and lodged with your financier as a matter of priority.
Subject to getting approvals from authorities all purchasers up to and including level 6 should be prepared to settle from mid December onwards.
We will keep you posted on progress and we expect to have another update in 2 weeks.

October 2019
600 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
Structure topped out and construction programme well advanced.
The building was topped out at the end of September and construction is progressing at full speed and ahead of schedule.
The crane is coming down within a week as its mission has now been completed.
As can be seen from the latest picture posted below, balustrades are at Level 7 and windows are being installed at level 10.
Internal fit-out is progressing floor by floor in different stages so that Level 3 is at painting and Level 10 is at plastering.
We are proceeding with a staged sub division so that all levels up to and including Level 6 are expected to be ready for settlement in December 2019. Please commence your finance applications soon so that you will be ready for settlement.

September 2019
600 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
Levels 9, 10 & 11 slabs poured.
Windows installed up to Level 7 and internal fit out and services proceeding.
Level 11 slab, which is the main building rooftop below the Sky Home Penthouses, has now been formed and poured at the Northern end and the Southern end slab will follow next Wednesday 11 September 2019.
This now places our builder, Hamilton Marino Builders, a full two weeks ahead of schedule and augurs well for the programmed final completion date for the entire project of 29 April 2020.
Of course there will be earlier completions scheduled for lower levels but 29 April is an overall latest expected completion date including the 5 two level Sky Homes at levels 12 & 13.
Some of the other milestones currently in the building are:
Kitchens and flooring being installed at Level 2;
Plastering now completed up to and including level 3;
Balustrades now completed partly up to level 4; and
Windows are being installed at Level 7.
We will update further at the end of September when we expect that the full structure will be totally complete and the crane will come down early in October.
August 2019
600 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
Levels 6, 7 & 8 slabs poured.
Windows installed in Levels G, 1, 2 & 3 and internal fit out and services proceeding.
The concrete structure of the building is now complete up to Level 8. Windows have been installed up to and including level 3. Plastering is up to Level 2 and internal wall framing is proceeding on higher levels. Services (plumbing & electrical) are proceeding to move up through the building.
December 2018
600 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
Crane up, basement excavation completed & foundations underway.
The tower crane has now been erected onsite.
Excavation of the basement has been completed and all retaining walls have been constructed.
Foundations and preparation for slab on ground are well underway.
Hamilton Marino Builders have now commenced onsite.