Sierra, Langwarrin – Construction Progress

February 2023

21 warrandyte Road, LAngwarrin


Great news! Construction is well underway at Sierra- Stage 2. Towards the end of last year, all civil works were completed. The concrete slabs have now been laid, with the townhouse framing process currently occurring.

The builder is forecasting construction completion by Q4 2023. More exciting updates to come!

August 2021

21 warrandyte Road, LAngwarrin


We are very pleased to announce that site construction is progressing very well at Sierra Langwarrin, with settlement of stage 1 still on track for the month of October 2021.
Despite minor delays caused by Victoria’s most recent Covid-19 Lockdown and harsh weather conditions, we can advise that any construction activity that was lost, has been recouped by the building team.
The construction crew have been working around-the-clock to ensure that construction is on schedule for completion.
More updates to come.

December 2020

21 warrandyte Road, LAngwarrin


We are pleased to advise that construction is continuing at Sierra.

The contractors and builders have all been appointed and Fynnan Constructions have commenced the build of the individual townhouses. They have opted for a staged approached.

Stage One

Currently under construction with slabs poured and frames going up.

Estimated completion is Sept – October 2021.

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